Saturday, 3 December 2011

Hiatus of Sorts

Alright - so we took a brief hiatus from blogging, but there were sort of some reasons. Well, not great ones, but ones at least. We became real busy with school around report card time getting final assignments done, catching up on marking and record keeping, then doing comments and such. Then we just neglected the blog pretty much. We couldn't blog from home either because Shawna conveniently let our router fall from the window sill. I was like, hey this router should be able to handle a fall. Then I found out it fell many times, and she only told me about it when it broke. So, I say it's her fault. haha

Synopsis of this blog:
School update - it's busy but still going well. Christmas time comes with lots of interruptions.
Housing update - we still live in an elders complex. Not sure when we'll move.
Weather update - it's pretty well 24hr darkness. Parka is a daily attire. We had a blizzard. We're good.
Home update - we fly out on the 17th and are home for two weeks. We're pretty really excited.
Various Funness - we played in a mini concert that was unreal, I am back from Iqaluit trip, Shawna wants a dog ... still

School update:
So what's been up at school. We both feel like we're getting into a pretty solid groove planning and teaching wise. We no longer spend outlandish amounts of time at the school, though we both spend the most time of all the teachers here we think. It might have something to do with the fact that there's not a heck of a lot to do during the day, so it gets us out. While we're here we can give each other company so that works well.

It takes us probably an hour or so to hash out the coming week. And then a few hour chunks to get the lesson part done. We can usually get it done in one go if we're feeling really keen, or just space it out though the week and our preps. So we're getting the hang of things and actually feel like we're making some progress with teaching. GOLDEN TEACHING BREAKTHROUGH: chunking. Have 5 questions? Insteaaaaaad of giving a page of 5 questions, we give a small piece of paper with 1 question, and then when they're done that they get question 2 on a new paper. It works wonders and we are pumping that into many of our lessons. So that's awesome.

okay - well apparently I have to leave now because Shawna needs to put some potatoes in the oven. I will complete the blog tomorrow.

Shawna is trying to claim I'm chunking the blog - but I think to all who read this you will see who is causing the blogs neglect.

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