Thursday, 4 August 2011

First Day O School

Good day all. Sorry for the gap in posts - we've been running around faster than OJ when he was in his Bronco. That's o.k. to say, right? Meh. Point is - preparing for the first day has been crazy.
First day of school was today. Shawna and I were technically working since Tuesday, but kids didn't come in until today. Our first day (Tuesday) we just had a staff meeting, that lasted all morning! and then we were given the afternoon to get ourselves together with regards to our classrooms, and also for departmental meetings. There is certainly a lot to worry about being a full on teacher. People always told us that teaches college and practicums didn't give you a real idea of teaching, and they weren't kidding! Lead up to first day, reading the records over for the kids, logistics for classroom, health and safety, record keeping ( I SAY THAT TWICE: RECORD KEEPING!!!), keep you running until the first bell goes. But alas, Shawna and I have survived our first day. The kids are pretty great and for the first day of school were pretty well behaved. They try to push you here a bit, but if you push back, they respect you more. Shawna and I have agreed that the kids are like a workplace class back home - focus wise. The only difference, is that up here, when you are stern with a kid and correct them, they don't hold grudges it doesn't seem. That's what other teachers told us here, and we agree - so far! Yesterday was pretty fun - Shawna and I got to go out to our principals cabin on Middle Lake (2.5 miles away from town). All the staff went, and it was pretty fun. Shawna and I were given our Inuk names out there. Everyone has a separate name based on your personal characteristics that is said in traditional language. I can't write mine because it's a word in Inuktitut, but the English translation is Fire Keeper, or Fire Man, or Fire Person ... they named me when I was tending to the fire. It's pronounced something like "Ee-qwa-la". Shawna's name is something like "nig-ling-nook-took", it means loving in English. The phonetic spelling might be a bit off - but I doubt ya mind, haha. You get the idea. We are having a blast up here so far. We're both missing home, but feeling good - probabaly because we are surrounded by so many good people. Days are getting shorter, and a bit cooler. That's all for now.

*********************If you're done reading - you may stop. I'm gonna rant a little.***********************

1. Good advice given by Claude, a Jamaican fellow who is going into his 6th year teaching here.
"You must not be firm like the Oak. When the wind blows the Oak will fall. You must be flexible like the Willow. When the wind blows, the Willow moves with it, and when the wind dies down, you will stand tall again."
Pretty cool, I thought.

2. For you computer people - and those who know me and my dying defense of Windows based computers. (Doug F, I'm looking at you).

DON'T EVEN GET ME STARTED. Well, they have.

This whole school is based on Mac. 2 mobile computer labs, macs. Ipad lab. Computer lab, mac. Teachers computers in rooms, mac. Routers, mac - or wait "airport" ohhh, ahhh. Look at me, I'm Steve Jobs and I'm too cool to call things what they do. It's an airport, not a router. Don't be fooled, they suck. I had one in second year - if any of the Bolivar crew is reading - you agree.

I hate macs. I hate, hate, hate, hate them. Okay, fine. I don't hate them, but I don't like them much. WHY THE HECK DO THEY INSIST ON NOT MAXIMIZING WINDOWS???? WHO USES A COMPUTER AND WANTS TO SEE ALL THE GARBAGE IN THE BACKGROUND. I have a splash of ADD, and when there are other things to occupy my mind - BIRD!!! - I can get off task. I know, I know, you can pull the window over and make it big - but I shouldn't have to findangle with the damned thing just to make it screen size. Also: what's with all the floating menus in Office? Like what the heck?? Put you toolbars on the top like every other sensible program. Ef.

I may be wrong, but I'm probably not, the mac basic setup for finding crap is ridic to figure out. It's so cluttered and burried. It's like I've been given some 2 year olds toy to get my work done on. Windows seems to be like a nicely organized tree of stuff. Computer-->Hard Drive --> Users --> Me --> Documents/Pictures/Everything. Maybe I just need more lessons on this thing, but it seems like they don't want you to know what's going on. I want to know what's going on. When you don't let me know what's going on, you remind me of Stalin. Ya, I said it. Mac is equal or worse than the former Soviet Union under Stalin with regard to secrets. I don't know if you're all up on your Soviet history, but Stalin's secrets were bad news. My only logical assumption is mac is hiding things just as bad.

The tool bar. Oh the tool bar. Yes, it's fancy and it has fun little clouds when you delete things, and when you scroll over it gets bigger. Ohhh, ahhh. Okay jerks. For those of us who aren't satisfied wholly with shiny objects, you come to find this jerked off thing (Gord Rivoire term) is just cluttered and poor. Get a tool bar, man. I don't want to open a window to find my applications. And I don't want 40,000 things on my tool bar. Ef.

GET A MOUSE WITH A RIGHT CLICK. HOLY HOCKEY!!! Ya wanna copy something? Can't do that with one hand. Wanna get into the details of something? Can't do that with one hand. Okay, I'll give it to you, the scroll ball is cool. That's all you get.

I have to leave now, or Shawna will get mad for eating too late.

I'm not done with this though.

Feel free to comment. :)


  1. Hi Jon and Shawn: I completely understand your frustration with paperwork. The most asked question from new teachers I get is, "When do I actually get to teach?!". With all the forms, that have to be completed the first days it can be overwhelming. You two will fall into a routine very soon and will feel so at home in your own classrooms. How many students are in your classes?? What is your day schedule look like?? Do you get much time for prep at school or are your nights taken up with that? Keep the posts coming...enjoy being a part of your lives upppp there!!
    PS Going to your home Jon for your mommy's birthday celebration tonight!! A great feast and bonfire!!

  2. lol An entertaining post Jon, thanks. To speak to your comments as I'm sure you've been waiting for me to do:

    1. Maximization of Windows - With the release of Mac OS X 10.7 Lion this past month, Apple introduced "full screen apps". This is a button in the top right of every supported application that when pressed will take the application to the full screen hiding the dock and info bar up top. It's lovely if you're into that. Until your school is updated, try to appreciate that the '+' button will expand a window to the most appropriate size for it's content and wont take up more of your desktop real estate than it needs to. Oh, and about your ADD...maybe it's time to see someone about that. :P
    2. Floating palettes - This was resolved in Microsoft Office 2011 when they returned to docked palettes for the most part. For a guide to how to make your out of date 2008 versions look more like the Windows you know and love, see this post:

  3. Dang character limits breakin' up my posts...

    3. You're learning a new operating system dude! Don't expect to understand everything your first time. It's not surprising that you're having trouble transitioning with your grosly biased prejudice. Give it a chance, do some research. Mac is actually a very powerful tool for software development (two out of 9 developers at my work are rocking mac setups) and does give you access to everything that's going on. To learn more, check this out: or just google some terminal commands and start playing around with it. Guarantee you'll feel cooler than that 'Mouse' guy from the original matrix when he's just chillin' reading thousands of lines of code to tell him what's going on in the matrix. ;) Not to mention, performing even simple tasks by way of the terminal can not only be more efficient but also very impressive to show off in front of other teachers not willing to admit that Mac's are badass. haha Side note and tip: pressing 'command + spacebar' will give you access to the spotlight (search). This is a powerful shortcut. Whenever you want to open anything quickly just hit that combo and start typing the name of the file, email, or application and once it's highlighted (normally before you even finish typing the name) press the 'return' key and be thrown quickly and efficiently into your application. Slick!
    4. The dock - the dock is a(nother) very powerful tool at your disposal if you choose to embrace it jon. See here for a full guide to dock customization: All you need to do is spend some time getting the applications you normally use onto the dock (and the ones you don't off) and then work on the sizing (maybe just turn off magnification if you really don't like your operating system to show off it's polished finish). PS. If you get good with the 'command + spacebar' trick I told you about earlier, some mac users empty their dock and only use the keyboard to navigate to a new application or file. This is leet, and will make other teachers aware that you don't mess around. When you're given a tool such as a mac, You don't let any preconceived notions hold you back from optimizing your workflows and embracing all of the power said tool might may give you.

  4. Annnnd finally...

    5. Right click - Apple's mighty mice (which it sounds like you are using) are fully capable of providing one touch right clicking. This is a setting simply set in the 'system preferences -> mouse'. You'll find if using a trackpad that apple has thought of this as well. You can turn on a setting allowing you to simply touch the pad with two fingers instead of one to command a right-clicking action (this also works with the Apple Magic Mouse and usb or bluetooth trackpad which are most likely replacing the outdated mighty mice it sounds like you're using). Apple also provides almost all of the drivers for using any mouse you like natively so bring on the windows mouse of your dreams and Mac will be happy to automatically install the drivers and have you up and running with it's extensive ability to provide plug-and-play convenience for almost all devices and accessories.

    To conclude, I love your rants Jon, I really do. I'm only trying to broden your horizons in the awesome world of consumer technology. Macs need to be embraced for them to embrace their users. I ask you, could you if but only for a day, convince yourself that a mac was a helpful tool for you to use to better the experience that you're giving these great young Canadians as their teacher? Could you try to open up and learn how to use them efficiently and effectively. Could you take the time to set one up the way you like it instead of accepting some defaults that don't jive with your windows laden past ways? Could you teach yourself the ultimate powers of using the terminal and a command line to monitor and control every inch of the powerful creativity encouraging machine? If you could Jon, I think it would make your life feel more satisfying. Do you not want to tackle this life and professional obstacle head on and show it who's boss? Do you not wish to push the limits of what teaching professionals are capable of harnessing and using in all of the best ways, for them, for their administration and most importantly for the bright minds of Canada's future? I think you do Jon, because you're a smart guy and I'm sure at least an average teacher. :P

    I push you because I love you. Keep your stick on the ice northerner.

  5. I am so happy someone feels the way I do about Macs, Jon. Yay.
